Officials hope they will be agreed before Friday, when Athens must make a € 300m loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund. 官员们希望希腊在本周五之前同意这些提案,希腊在周五必须向国际货币基金组织(IMF)偿还3亿欧元贷款。
Greek banks remain shut on Tuesday as the nation looks set to formally default on a$ 1.8 billion loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund. 希腊银行星期二继续关门。希腊拖欠国际货币基金组织18亿美元贷款,看来债务违约几乎将成定局。
Review about China Poor Loan Repayment of National Student Loan Research 我国国家助学贷款偿还不力问题研究述评
Overdue loan repayment schedule is not party or over the contract period the graded principal repayment of loans planned behavior. 借款逾期是指甲方未按期清偿或超过本合同约定的分次还本计划期限归还借款的行为。
In May, groups representing students, parents and college officials asked the government to change some of its loan repayment rules. 在五月,一些学生代表、父母以及大学职工要求政府更改贷款偿还条例。
Some structured it as a loan and deferred repayment. 一些人把它作为一笔贷款和延期还款。
Distressed loan: Loan on which repayment of interest and principal has been severely delayed or completely suspended. 还本付息有困难的贷款:指还本付息严重拖延或完全停止的贷款。
The Department of Education publishes loan default rates and loan repayment rates for every institution in the nation that receives federal funding. 根据教育部所公布的贷款率和偿还率,每个机构在国家都须接受联邦限制。
The cost of loan repayment is particularly high for students from outside the US who apply for loans from US institutions. 对于从美国金融机构申请贷款的非美国学生而言,还贷成本异常高昂。
Loan repayment calculation through web interface. 通过网接口借出偿还计算。
The Repeat tool finds all recurring dates such as loan repayment dates, and collates them into a unified list. 重复工具认定所有经常性的日期如贷款还款日期,并整理成一个统一的清单。
As for the fixed-rates loan, the market value of the loan and the LTV will increase when the market interest rate falls, leading to the voluntary default or advanced loan repayment of the debtor. 对于固定利率贷款,在市场利率下降时,贷款的市场价值及LTV将提高,导致借款人主动违约,或者提前还款;
An analysis of the loan repayment ability of universities in Zhejiang Province 浙江省高等教育贷款还贷能力分析
Risk Analysis on Loan Repayment in the Urban& Rural Power Network Retrofits 城网和农网改造的还贷风险
A Comparative Study of Student Loan Repayment Debt and Empirical Studies in China 学生贷款偿还负担的国际比较及我国的实证研究
The weigh of the student loan repayment burden indicates if the student loan scheme is reasonable. 学生还款负担的轻重是衡量学生贷款方案是否科学合理的重要指标。
Deficiency existed in the present calculation method of loan repayment period of fixed assets expenditure is analysied combining with a actual example. 结合实例分析了现行建设项目固定资产投资借款还期计算中存在的不足;
The Application of Markov Chain in Forecasting the Amount of the Enterprise's Bad Account On the other hand, as the state-owned commercial banks were long affected by bad debts, they are unusually sensitive to the loan repayment speed while ignoring their profitability. Markov链在企业坏账预测中的应用另一方面,由于国有商业银行由于长期以来受呆账坏账风险的影响,对贷款的回款速度异乎寻常的敏感,保证贷款安全成为凌驾于确保贷款收益之上的目标。
After an analysis of the status quo of China's banking project loan risk management and the existing problems in project loan risk assessment system, the author has found out that great impact of project risk upon loan repayment is ignored. 通过对我国银行工程项目贷款风险管理现状和工程项目贷款风险评估体系存在的问题分析,发现工程风险对贷款偿还存在巨大的影响未被考虑。
Through estimating the Panel Data Model by the regional data of 1998-2006, the author finds three factors, farmers 'income, the added value of the rural economy, and rural loan repayment rate, are influential to the rural funds outflow. 通过对1998-2006年的地区数据建立PANELDATA模型估计发现,农民收入、农村经济增加值、农村贷款还贷率是影响农村资金外流率的三个因素。
Since the Haihe waterfront comprehensive Development Plan used the land income of Tianjin as its main source of loan repayment. The future developing trend of land price in Tianjin would most directly determined the loan repayment risk of this project. 由于海河开发改造依靠天津市土地的收益作为主要的还贷来源,因此,天津市土地未来的价格走势将最直接地决定了海河开发改造的还贷风险的大小。
This repayment of student loans of commercial banks, money problems swallowing study, Confirmed by research in the current system of national student loan repayment arrears problem is widespread. 本文对助学贷款还款拖欠问题进行,通过调研确认了在当前国家助学贷款制度下还款拖欠问题的普遍存在。
The interest rates should consider the formal finance cost of capital and form an incentive for farmer cooperatives. Link the Loan amount and repayment rates in order to constitute the constraints of the farmer cooperatives and incentives. 贷款利率大小要考虑正规金融资金成本,同时能够形成对农民专业合作社的激励;贷款额度与贷款偿还率挂钩,共同构成对农民专业合作社的约束和激励。
In this chapter, we explain the background and purpose of this research. Then we make a summarizing about theory of personal housing mortgages loan repayment ahead both at home and abroad, including the influence factors and prediction model theory system. 本章首先对个人住房按揭贷款研究背景、研究目的进行阐述,进而对国内外个人住房按揭贷款提前还款的影响因素及预测模型的理论体系进行总结性回顾。
Crime of Fraud in Loan of illegal possession of the purpose, should be whether the loan is repaid, the loan purpose, repayment ability, and repayment behavior, whether there can not be returned or refused to return of behavior investigated. 贷款诈骗罪的非法占有目的,应从贷款是否偿还、贷款的用途、还款能力和还款行为、有无无法返还或拒不返还的行为等方面考察。
In fact, our borrowers have a profound root of 'out of debt, out of danger', the main source of funding for payment in advance is their accumulation in this sense, the loan repayment behavior more like a traditional "consumer" behavior. 事实上,我国借款人深受无债一身轻观念的影响,提前偿付的资金来源主要是自身积累,从这个意义上讲,其贷款的偿付行为更像是一种传统的消费行为。
To ensure that the contract is borne responsibility for the guarantor has an important influence to ensure that the contract in addition to their own original invalid, there is also the main contract, loan repayment of the loan contract is invalid and caused an invalid. 保证合同是否有效对于保证人责任的承担有着重要的影响,保证合同除了因为自身原无效以外,还存在着因为主合同,即以贷还贷借款合同无效而导致无效的情况。
Of course, it also help customers understand loan repayment plan so that they adjust their own balance. 当然也有益于客户对自己贷款的还款计划的了解,以便于调整自己的收支情况。
Through the analyzing of the temporal and spatial distribution of literature, the main authors, keywords analysis and author distribution, to introduce the issue of loan repayment research at this stage from the macro on an overview. 通过对文献资料的时空分布、主体及关键词分析和作者分布进行分析,从宏观上弄清楚现阶段关于贷款偿还问题研究的概况。
Then, student loan repayment burden ratio is also studied and compared; in most countries, 10% of the income is taken as the criterion of the repayment. 接着,分析了不同国家学生贷款偿还的负担率,发现多数国家以收入的10%作为还款额的标准。